Jormungar Face

Jormungar Face
because life sux without WoW

Friday, November 26, 2010

wtf hael

wtf haeling of a dk at AV

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ridiculous UI's and such, featuring Hunter and Warlock

Well I have been using and have grown accustomed to using this kind of UI for both my lock and hunter, I dont have any mods on my priest save for dbm, recount, mik's scrolling battle text and the occasional wow-census (lol).

Anyway heres what it looks like:

Warlock (Destruction spec)

Hunter (Marksman)

but if you're curious..this is my priest ui. I know it looks horrible...I am too lazy to learn healbot and my pc sucks so I can't really afford any nice UI's at this point. :)

Priest (on Shadow spec in WSG)

Rogue's UI..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Thursday, March 4, 2010


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moon Guard: Plain nasty.

Dr. Zoidberg in capri pants and slippers

Nerd Rage Extraordinaire..the final culling!!!

Decided to run TOC 25 with 2 guildies for a truimph. Of course it went smoothly..
but a healer rolled on a dps offhand and I just decided to joke around with him but he bit my head off. Well what do I expect from Swarm? He was actually being nice to me I guess!

Till then ladies.
