Jormungar Face

Jormungar Face
because life sux without WoW

Monday, June 8, 2009

Of Wyrms, Worgs and Wormz

I haven't updated in a while, well I have been busy with other things but here are some pics.

I have been levelling my guildy's Hodir rep and have gotten him exalted just 2 days ago (June 6, 2009) and obtained the Greater Inscription of the Crag (20 defense 15 dodge to shoulder)..

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sons of Hodir dailies -gotta love 'em

Ever since I have decided to go exalted on my sub-main clothy, I got like a sort of Stockholm syndrome thing for the Sons of Hodir dailies. I started to love doing them everyday, and 5 quests before revered isnt good enough, that I just have to do my guildies toons. Imagine that!:)

Gotta love these dailies, they're so fun, easy and best of all repetititve. My least favorite would be the lag-intensive Thrusting the spear (wink wink) and my most favorite would be ...wait..I dont have a favorite since I like all of them.

Well heres my tip for the Thrusting quest:

1.) stack on 1 (grip) till you get 90
2.) occassionally hit number 2, but its not necessary
3.) prioritize 3
4.) occassionally hit 4 everytime u can
5.) do not let it go below 30 stacks of (grip?)

Thats about it for now!:)
